Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Weather in New England is to unpredictable for Solar Power.....Think again!!

Given the diverse weather conditions in New England, many people may have the misconception that PV systems do not work in Massachusetts. Quite the contrary is true. PV modules are relatively unaffected by inclement weather and actually operate better in colder weather. Snow accumulation is also not a problem because the panels are installed at an angle necessary to catch the sun. The angle makes it unlikely that snow will collect on the PV module or if it does, it will be a small amount that melts quickly. Most experts agree that Massachusetts is an excellent location for use of PV.

A PV System eliminates or reduces the amount of electricity you purchase from your utility. A PV system saves money on your electricity and acts as a hedge on future price increases. Additionally, the electricity generated by PV systems is clean, renewable and reliable. Any excess electricity generated can be fed into the electric grid, earning the user money towards their bill.

Solar energy is environmentally friendly. Since there are no air or water emissions, solar energy does not contribute to the global greenhouse effect, acid rain, or smog. The systems are also quiet, so they can be installed in most locations. PV systems are generally unobtrusive; therefore neighbors are unlikely to object to PV facilities.